Member Requirements
Active Member Status Spring 2024
Active Membership:
- Must earn at least 16 points per semester. You earn 1pt/hour
- 2 points from meetings
- 4 points from volunteering (up to 1pt can be outside TBP)
- 2 points from socials
- 5 points from fundraising
- 1 points from industry relations events
- 1 point from diversity and inclusion events
- 1 extra point from any category
- Event Point Values:
- General Meeting = 1 pt
- Member Election Meeting = 2 pts
- Social Event = 1 pt
- TBP Volunteer Event = 1 pt per hour
- UW Concessions = 5 points, 3 raffle tickets
- Non-TBP Volunteer Event = 1 pt per hour (max of 1 point). LINK to the form to report these hours.
- Every two points above the 16-point active member requirement will be worth one raffle ticket for prizes at the End-of-Semester Banquet
- Point status is updated in the Active Member Status spreadsheet linked above.
- Must earn at least 16 points per semester. You earn 1pt/hour
Benefits of Being an Active Member:
- Chapter scholarship consideration
- Rent Graduation Attire: Stole & Cord
- End-of-Semester Banquet
- Access to the WI-A Alumni Database
Partially Active Membership:
- Required: 6 overall points. One point must be a meeting point and the other five can be from any category.
- Example: 2 meeting and 4 volunteering points.
- Remember, any volunteering outside TBP is worth 1 point per hour (max 1 point)
- Benefits: Cords and stole for graduation & End-of-semester banquet
WI-A Chapter Scholarships
At a glance:
- Must meet active member requirements based on point system at time of deadline.
- A $1000 scholarship will be awarded to 6 members.
- Please ask President Parker Esswein for the date of the chapter scholarship application deadline.
TBP HQ Fellowship Program
For more information click HERE!
The Fellowship Program is Tau Beta Pi’s single most important project for the advancement of engineering education and the profession. It is a time-proven idea which was pioneered by Tau Beta Pi in the honor-society field. The plan was adopted by the 1928 Convention as a result of the recommendation and labors of President A. D. Moore.
Since the beginning, the purpose has been to finance, for a select group of members chosen for merit, a year of graduate study at the institutions of their choice. A distinguishing feature of Tau Beta Pi fellowships has always been that they are as free of binding rules as possible. Tau Beta Pi fellows are free to do graduate work in any field which will enable them to contribute to the engineering profession. The only specific duty of awardees is to write a report at the completion of the fellowship year summarizing their work.
At a glance:
- Fellows are awarded $10,000 stipend in ten monthly payments beginning in August.
- In 2021, 31 members received fellowships from 278 applicants for a total of $310,000
- Click here for more info regarding fellowship deadlines
Scholarship Program
For more information click HERE!
At a glance:
- Restricted to initiated members planning to return to school for at least one semester of full-time undergraduate study.
- Each full-year award is $2,000 payable in two equal increments.
- Partial scholarships will be awarded $1,000 in a single payment.
- Last year, 254 scholarships were awarded from 394 applicants. A total of $494,000 was distributed.
- Click here for more info regarding scholarships deadlines